Thursday, March 5, 2009

Street Reliquary Series

“Simple City Reliquary”
Encaustic and Oil on Panel
6 x 12 in.
The first in a series of sculpted hands, Simple City is the relic of an unnamed street saint, a gang member or perhaps a bystander mowed down at the corner store. The closed fist begins the cycle of violence, named for the most prominent tagging presence in my classroom.

“Northeast Reliquary”
Encaustic and Oil on Panel
6 x 12 in.
Gangs use a number of occult symbols as tags, and my classroom walls have seen a number of them come and go. This second relic is named for the quarter of DC I live and teach in, the hand is open and tensed as if waiting.

"54th St Reliquary”
Encaustic and Oil on Panel
6 x 12 in.
I have an uneducated outsider’s view of gang violence, seeing it’s trappings and tragedies with little direct involvement. This third relic is a memorial for the youth who are forced into posturing to survive, as more people are pulled into conflicts that escalate by association.

“Peace Reliquary”
Encaustic and Oil on Panel
6 x 12 in.
The final relic in the cycle is a rare and beautiful moment of calm in the face of unbelievable pressure. A tribute to young men and women who put their siblings on the bus, come to school all day, go home and work a full shift, and then repeat, finding it in themselves to avoid the pressure to fight, and pour their passion into art, sports, or music.

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