Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wheel of the Year Series

Encaustic on Panel
24 x 24 in.
Mabon is the Celtic holiday that celebrates the harvest. This begins a series of seasonal personifications of the neo-pagan Wheel of the Year, which represents sacred time as an endless cycle outside of linear time.

Encaustic on Panel
9 x 20 in.
Samhain is a time of endings and beginnings, as the harvest ends and the dead are celebrated in our memory. It corresponds with our idea of Halloween as a time when the “veil between worlds” grows thinner.

Encaustic on Panel
24 x 24 in.
Yule marks the season of quiet and dark, and celebrates the presence of lights in the darkness. Holidays at this time celebrate the human yearning for hope and renewal.

Encaustic on Panel
9 x 20 in.
Imbolc welcomes the first signs of spring, and celebrates the fire that represents purification. Our belief in or need for meaning is reaffirmed with the return of the sun.

Encaustic on Panel
24 x 24 in.
Ostara marks the return of strength to the land, paving the way for the fertility and bounty of the coming year. The cycle continues, with each part of sacred time giving an opportunity to touch the beyond through ritual and remembrance.

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